Thank you, and onward!
Thank you all for your kind comments after my last post. I’m feeling much less down now, and stuff is really getting done, thanks to the fearless determination of JD to help tackle it all.
Another load went to storage a couple of weeks ago, and we’ve managed to fill (or partly fill) nine banker boxes in an attempt to impose some vague semblance of order on the place. I’m rather amazed at how much progress is being made. We may have only managed about 6 inches in southward movement, but the next bit has dropped a good 3 feet, which means I get to see the fish tank from my recliner! Yay! It’s an amazing feeling to actually see progress being made and, so far, staying made.
Thank you again for all your support, both moral and physical. This battle is winnable. It can be done! As JD says, “all we have to do is spend two hours a week at it for the rest of our lives….”
The latest load to storage:
And, proof that I can see the fish tank from my recliner! I was even able to get into it enough to set up the filter and get it plugged in. So happy!
And a picture of the 30 cm (1 foot) of snow that we had all at once yesterday, just because I can. Also, this is what I’ll be digging through (with the gracious assistance of JD) on the weekend to get my car out of the yard.
Yay storage! Yay fish! Yay progress! I know you can do it! (Just don’t ask me to muster up any comments more profound than that right now…)
Yay Stacey!! Thank you for your encouragement, however profound it may (or may not) be. It’s all welcomed!