
Meanwhile, back inside — 4 Comments

  1. I can definitely see that progress is being made! I can also see some fabulously funky yarn in that second picture, and I can’t wait to see what it becomes!

  2. Thanks! I’m glad someone can see progress…. Actually, I can see progress from the side, because the pile encroaches slightly less far into the room. The grrrlz like the spread-out space.

    The yarn is becoming a scarf. Rather an oddity of black mohair and rainbow cotton, knitted lengthwise with a separate strand for each row hence – self fringing! It’s looking odd…. I’ll post pics when it’s done.

  3. Stacey – how did you see the yarn? I’m looking (squinting, even) and I still don’t see it.

    Linda – you’re getting there! Every little bit counts!

  4. Deb: if you click on the pic it gets disturbingly huge so you don’t have to squint.

    The scarf is 4 rows away from completion (2 rainbow, 2 mohair), oh, and tying off the fringe, of course.

    I need to tackle that pile again, even a little. It just sits and smirks at me while I watch tv.

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