Intro to the next project
This is going to be a multi-day project, so I thought I should introduce it. If I waited until it was done to post about it I’d be posting for a non-existent audience, since you’d all have gotten bored and gone elsewhere. Besides, telling you about it ups the guilt load, so it’s more likely to get done.
This is another kitchen project. I’ve decided to regain access to the microwave, or at least access that doesn’t involve balletic leaps and standing on tiptoe on one foot.
I’d pay money to see that ballet. Swan Lake, Nutcracker and Getting to the Microwave!
Heh…. let’s talk. I can be rented and I have special rates for not-for-profit organizations.
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a challenging but totally do-able goal! I admit to being very curious about what treasures you have hiding in those bags 🙂
I gotta admit that I am, too. O:-) So far it’s down to the level of the pasta and I’ve rediscovered the nice makeup brush that I lost track of awhile back…. it’s kinda like a treasure hunt!
Update us! UPDATE US!
One update posted for your viewing pleasure!