Spam and vikings
Okay, so there aren’t any vikings, but there is spam. The kind I look forward to when I open the admin panel of this blog. Today’s said, “The dreary details differ, but the same theme informs–we’re good, they’re bad, and dear judge: would you please kneecap these guys for us?” I mean, really, how can you argue with that? How can you honestly do anything other than cheer?
Now, for the update from last week:
- 50 things out – check!
- sweep the bunnarium – check!
- one load to storage – check!
Poor Dweezil the bunny was very upset at the bunnarium being swept, but I’m sure he’ll get over it. Eventually. Sorry, Dweez. The load to storage wasn’t actually from my house; it was stuff that’s been sitting at my parents’ place for awhile, but it still counts, right? Why yes, yes it does! The 50 things were a bit of a last-minute scurry, but they did actually happen, so it’s all good.
I also managed to replace the battery in my van without zapping myself or breaking anything. The van even started! I’m very proud of me for that.
Sorry for the lack of pictures, but there wasn’t much to take pictures of. I suppose there’s always the third load to storage, but it didn’t make a spectacular difference, so I think I’ll wait until there’s a more noticeable change. The van engine was just too gungy.
And so on to the hard part–goals for next week. My partner has sorta moved to the city (yay!!) to start a job today (also yay!!), but we need to go back south to work on packing and cleaning at his old place, so much of the week will be geared toward getting that accomplished (plus, of course, celebrating Valentine’s Day, which is de rigeur under the circumstances). I warn you in advance that these will be fairly lame goals.
- the obligatory 50 things out
- refill windshield washer fluid reservoir in van
- celebrate!
Yeah, the last thing is more of an existential than physical-world accomplishment, but it’s attainable!
can’t claim 50, but did move all the grocery store plastic bags to the bag-saver – they are not slip-sliding out of the wire rack now; better should take the compostables out – can’t exactly dump them, just have to hope that they freeze solid; and the last goal would be to get the re-usable bags into the car, so they can be re-used. :silly:
Have to add – I think these just might be attainable goals (shamelessly stolen from a Rav post):
I will knit
I will strive to relax as effectively as my cat
I will eat food from all the groups on the food pyramid, especially chocolate
I will find cute pictures of Johnny Depp, cats, yarn or all of the above.
I like those goals. I may have to adopt a few of them myself.