The Great Excavation of 2011
Sounds like something grandpa would talk about. “Why I remember, back in the day…..”
What it actually is, is the joint efforts of two people who have both been trampled by the passage of time pooling their efforts, in two places, to accomplish miracles. In a mutually safe atmosphere.
The two people involved are my friend JR and I. Last night was the first installment (of many to come) and was at my place. We spent an hour chugging through stuff in the kitchen, closely supervised by all three of my grrrlz (just in case food happened and we needed to be rescued from it).
The net result was 2 recycling bags out of the house, and roughly 1.5 feet of vertical space reclaimed. Floor is still pending. No pics yet, because I have to get more bins and the stuff that shall be binned is still on top of the pile in bags. All in all I’d say we accomplished the equivalent of two hours of individual work.
The evening then moved into the second half, which involved beer, red wine, and two types of pizza. We’d earned it. We enjoyed it. We kicked clutter butt.
Next time, JR’s place. Where we will, once again, kick some clutter butt.
:liquor: :beer: :pizza: :pizza:
First of all – there’s a family in this town who’s last name is Clutterbutt. Seriously. Or something like that anyway.
Second – Holy SCHMIDT! I want to sing “A spoonful of sugar” because obviously that’s what JR is to your cleaning. Hurray!
Did you find the sweater set?
Wow! Amazing progress! Was it fabulously satisfying??