Good chair day
It’s taken three years, but I finally got my oak & cast iron chair properly finished with Danish Oil Stain (by Watco, “natural” ). The first two years were to allow for the cheap shellac finish to flake off and for the wood to develop a nice weathered silvery look. Last year was because there were so many wasps nibbling the weathered patina away that it had pinkish-looking spots all over it. I didn’t really want to immortalize a pink ‘n’ silver polkadot chair, even if it did look kinda funky.
It took two days to do it and fortunately (for the stain, if not for me) it was hot for those two days. Even though it says not to use this stuff for exterior applications, I’ve had it on outside wood before and it lasted untouched for years! So, if that holds true here, I shouldn’t have to redo the chair for many years to come.